
A series of articles on Eastern Europe that bulwiengesa publishes in various international property investment magazines. Subsequent articles focus on individual countries and groups of countries. Together, these articles provide a comprehensive insight into Eastern Europe, its emerging country groups A, B and C, and the environment for real estate investors.


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The 5 % Study 2019 – Where It Still Pays Off to Invest

For the fifth time, bulwiengesa examined the yield potential of the German real estate market.

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For the 5th time in a row: best consultants

bulwiengesa wins the Real Estate Brand Award again in 2019

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Market Report No. 10 by the Initiative Unternehmensimmobilien

Transparency for the German light industrial market

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bulwiengesa Property Market Index 2019

Has the cycle failed? Real estate prices have been rising for 14 years – by 5.6% in 2018

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Market Report No. 9 by the Initiative Unternehmensimmobilien

Transparency for the German light industrial market

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Logistics and Real Estate 2018

Alongside with four partners bulwiengesa researched for the fourth time the market for German logistics real estate.

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The 5% Study 2018 – Where It Still Pays Off to Invest

For the fourth time bulwiengesa examined the yield potential on the German real estate market.

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UI Insight #2 Magazine

Germany’s Unternehmensimmobilien Overcome their Exotic Status even Abroad

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Market Report No. 8 by the Initiative Unternehmensimmobilien

Transparency for the German light industrial market

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bulwiengesa Property Market Index 2018

Shortage continues: In 2017, the bulwiengesa Property Market Index rose by 5.7 percent

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Logistics and Real Estate 2017

Alongside with four partners bulwiengesa researched for the third time the market for German logistics real estate. Focus: City Logistics

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Market Report No. 7 by the Initiative Unternehmensimmobilien

Transparency for the German light industrial market

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The 5% Study 2017 - Where It Still Pays Off to Invest

For the third time bulwiengesa examined the yield potential on the German real estate market.

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bulwiengesa Property Market Index 2017

Prices keep going up – bulwiengesa Property Market Index gains +4.2 % across segments in 2016