
A series of articles on Eastern Europe that bulwiengesa publishes in various international property investment magazines. Subsequent articles focus on individual countries and groups of countries. Together, these articles provide a comprehensive insight into Eastern Europe, its emerging country groups A, B and C, and the environment for real estate investors.


National Data

High-Rise Office Buildings in Berlin – Update 2016

High-Rise Office Buildings in Berlin

Slowly everybody supports it

National Data

Logistics and Real Estate 2016

Alongside with four partners bulwiengesa researched for the second time the market for German logistics real estate

National Data

The 5% Study - Where It Still Pays Off to Invest

bulwiengesa examined the yield potential on the German real estate market.

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German Property Index

GPI 1995 - 2015: German Real Estate Concludes 2015 with Record Returns Exceeding 13 %

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Logistics and Real Estate Germany

For the first time bulwiengesa along with four partners has analysed different facets of the German market for logistics real estate.