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Logistics and Real Estate 2019
Logistics and Real Estate 2019
Records for the completion of logistics properties are also expected again in 2019. This is all the more astonishing as there is a massive shortage of space at the important logistics locations - investors and developers are increasingly moving to peripheral locations. However, new construction activity can hardly compensate for the calculated annual demand of 6.5 to 7.0 million sqm of additional logistics space in Germany. Another result of the current study: While international investors dominated the logistics market for many years, more and more domestic companies are now discovering the opportunities offered by this attractive asset class. There are now seven German companies among the 20 largest investors.
These are the most important results of the new study "Logistics and Real Estate 2019", which bulwiengesa has published for the fifth time in succession and in partnership with Berlin Hyp AG, BREMER AG, GARBE Industrial Real Estate GmbH and Savills Immobilien-Beratungs GmbH. Figures and data in the areas of construction activity, investment and financing were evaluated for the study. In addition, numerous market experts and practitioners were asked for their opinions on the stability of the asset class logistics real estate.
Contact: Tobias Kassner, kassner [at], phone: +4940 - 4232 2220