Logistics and Real Estate Germany

Logistics and Real Estate Germany

Logistics are the arteries of modern economics. Logistics enable the supply of population and industry with the necessary goods and resources as well as the trade exchange  within Germany and with the rest of the world. Logistics are the base of the strongly trade-dependend national German economic prosperity.

Over the past years, the strong economic upward in Germany triggered a sustainable economic improvement on the logistics real estate market. 
Still, the German logistics real estate market is considered as not being transparent, especially compared to the Anglo-American markets. Though reliable and transparent market data is inevitable for strategic and sustainable economic decisions in logistics real estate.

bulwiengesa and cooperating companies Berlin HypBremerGoodman and Savills took this instance to compile "Logistics and Real Estate 2015". The study has a strong focus on real estate economics. Commencing with general insights on the logistics industry and affecting megatrends, the study analyses the most important aspects of logistics real estate, focussing on development, construction trends, investment and financing.

"Logistics and Real Estate 2015" is the first issue of an annual study. The upcoming issues will give further insight to the concerning topics of the logistics and real estate industry in Germany.

Were you missing important aspects? Are there further questions? We will gladly discuss any comments and critic to improve the study to receive the best outcome possible.

Contact: Tobias Kassner, kassner [at] bulwiengesa.de, Phone + 49 30 - 2787 6823

Market Studies
Top 20 Developers of Logistics Facilities in Germany, 2010–2014
Top 20 Developers of Logistics Facilities in Germany, 2010–2014
Example of Investment Object
Example of Investment Object
The 28 German Logistics Regions
The 28 German Logistics Regions