Portfolio Valuation

Portfolio Valuation

As often as not, portfolio valuations are pressed for time, but delivery on a tight schedule must not come at the expense of accuracy. bulwiengesa is known for the high quality of its real estate data, which is available any time in structured form, across segments, and with qualified regional drilldowns. As the acknowledged result of methodological and regulatory best practice, our data are used by Deutsche Bundesbank, European Central Bank, and the IMF, among others. At the same time, our in-house information system RIWIS analyses several thousand specific properties each year, focusing on relevant real estate industry parameters such as rent, purchase price, and yield rate. This enables the appraiser team to rely on a fully valid data basis for single-property and portfolio valuations. Portfolio analyses in the context of international transaction structures tend to apply Red Book-compliant and earnings-based approaches (DCF analyses).